Wednesday, March 9, 2011

and soon i must depart

i fear, you will not choose again
to love me soon, as
i sit in neighboring chair,
and watch you
whisper and to her woon,
to her girlish passions
as if i was not here
offering me but a taste
of glass,  as you offer her your heart

and soon you will not choose me
and soon i must depart..

be now a love's memory, all
that's left of when
we first did meet,  when over me
you wooned and troubled
both time and taste; too chair
and soon you will not choose me
i now sense it clearly in the air

so soon i must be leaving
as for this, my heart, you
now no longer care, as once
you did , gone so soon from
when it was i that sat
in now what has come to be
 - her chair

copyrighted  2011.

Painting by artist :Hassam, Childe (American 1859-1935) Impressionist
"The Victorian Chair 1906"


  1. wow. not the place to be...what an arse he is too...

    by the way your poem from earlier has really stuck with me today...stellar...

  2. This one is so beautiful....the sadness is eloquently weaved in the words....i feel i have visited another place and have an amazing talend Bkm!! :-)

  3. So beautiful in your own special voice!

  4. "a taste of glass".......that captures the feelings perfectly! fantastic poem to accompany the painting. So romantically sad, bkm!!!!

  5. Victorian in its prim agony, so much held in place with stays, formalities, conventions. A heart not allowed its "woon," the habit and habitation of love. How distant and wistful a land the heart's content must be to this speaker ... - Brendan

  6. Very nice. I like the use of the chair.

  7. A sad realization, expressed so well in the last two lines. When you put the verses and painting so close together, you most definitely feel a sense of sadness arising from the woman in the painting.

  8. well expressed emotions.
    the image makes the word flow more real.

  9. Love this one, Barbara, it was like reading a condensed mini-romance. Great for us busy people! A "wooning" moment:)!

  10. Lovely write, but stinky occurence!

  11. Barbara,

    Loaded with strong sentiments, so obvious from each word.

    Best wishes, Eileen

  12. Such a universal song of having to give up OUR chair to the next in line. Painful for sure. My time happened at a camp. Mike chose Debbie for the last dance and I was his girlfriend. I smile now but was devastated at age 14. :)

  13. BKM, this is a sad but very thoughtful piece of writing.

  14. beautiful poem about the sorrow of unrequited love

  15. bkm - this is really strong and authentic.
