Monday, September 17, 2012

the lighting of candles

it is not time for
candles or crafted thinking, light
there is still
an air in the day
a coming of lovers toasting
their brown skin, offering their
orgasm to fountain
a youthful cupid, cast and fluted

i sit on metal, a chair black
and curved, i watch the lovers
lust for, loath the one
before them - i line mine, each
lover against the timing
of the day
they have curved places
of their own - distant but real
real, touchable,

we remember staircases dark
and full, delightful lies
and lips red with wet, wined
and worthy of our nature
we were, each
tested and tossed, cotton my dressing
cotton the sheeting, behind
lace, behind curtains untamed

i lift my glass, i lift
my life to them, to love
to the fountain fluted

ah! love, Yes (to you)you
ah! love, No

it is not time for candles
it is not time for sealing to amber these sentiments
of loving
lift your glass you who are lovers
all you who love, have loved
(will love)
for the sake of its pulling, for the sake
of its passion
its sorrow, for the sake of its
dying in the lighting
of candles

copyrighted 2012


  1. i lift my glass, i lift
    my life to them, to love
    to the fountain fluted

    ah! love, Yes (to you)you
    ah! love, No....nice...i will raise a glass to love...and its life no matter how long or short....

  2. An ode to love...I believe--the one (the only) reality, to remain when all else is naught.

    "BKM"..."Beautiful KarMa"


  3. you captured sooooo much with this..wonderful writing

  4. Wow. As the ultimate romantic, I am swept away by this ode to love, to romance, to the sensual satisfactions. This, BKM, elevates the mundane to heavenly.

  5. Yes, I will lift my glass... to the lines...
    "we remember staircases dark
    and full, delightful lies
    and lips red with wet, wined
    and worthy of our nature"

    Your words fall from the tongue like ripe fruit... such a delicious experience, I so enjoyed this.

  6. This is so beautiful. It took me away... to a piazza in Rome where an aging woman remembers.

  7. You've given yourself much to work with here-- I would go through and ask yourself what the most distinctive and powerful images are and compress this poem a bit. One thing I do is to give a poem a few days without reading it so that I get perspective on it. Very captivating things going on here...xxj
