Monday, January 9, 2012

give it up

i step on tile
because i prefer the cold
the slower
the heart beat equals longer life - even grey life
is a way of living i suppose

i have always been forced
to look up to you, drown myself
in sky, wear colors that do
not become me, jewels are for spoiled dogs
and feathered whores - i want

black on black, grey
on black and the chill of ice
brilliant and blue
over a vodka soul - slow it down
burial rites have become all
to common in the land
of no-bodies, give it up for a those
creatures who walked these
streets without reservations, give it up
for a grey existence - before kingdoms
and presidents wrote
their own biographies and man
did not need rainbows of promise
or abstract art

copyrighted 2011

posted for Mag 99


  1. oh I loved this! genuinely - the imagery - the tone, the phrasing - all brilliantly done - the first stanza "i step on tile
    because i prefer the cold
    the slower
    the heart beat equals longer life - even grey life
    is a way of living i suppose" - that last line in particular and then - "drown myself
    in sky, wear colors that do
    not become me, jewels are for spoiled dogs
    and feathered whores" - how precise your words are - sharp and scalpel-like - thoroughly enjoyed this!

  2. thanks OT - I have not written in awhile - it really feels good - glad you liked it...bkm

  3. really some nice lines in this...

    burial rites have become all
    to common in the land
    of no-bodies

    and the presidents writing their own biographies...nice bk

  4. "The chill of ice brilliant and blue over a vodka soul."
    Brilliant is right...

  5. thanks Brian and Berowne...good to make the rounds again...bkm

  6. i like how you saw the textures and color of the pictures. i just looked at the characters in the pictures. we looked at it at a totally different way, which is so interesting that people do that, don't you think???

    days of cohan

  7. I'm with OT... that first and second stanza really stood out. So glad you're back to writing again.

  8. Oh for the days of black and white and grey!
    Had a laugh when I first read the title, laughed a bit more with its refrain.

    A true Minnesotan:

    "i prefer the cold
    the slower
    the heart beat equals longer life"


  9. Fine poem. It makes brilliant sense even without the image - always the test, I've always thought.

  10. Way to make a comeback, this is great!!

  11. It feels good to me, too. Perfect, if that is possible!

  12. Is it the distances between, or the way the soul becomes what is too near?

    I love the last line especially in what is intense and beautiful throughout.

  13. This is brilliant Bkm.....i love it as always!

  14. the chill of ice
    brilliant and blue
    over a vodka soul - slow it down

    just beautiful.
