Monday, January 16, 2012

the eternal embryo

the eternal embryo i am, aged beyond my virgin skin
with all the oceans i have met - that long for purity again

i taste the salt upon my face, i know the sun that calls rebirth
yet my heart will not embrace, the place that human named as earth

i am a liar, infertile wench
tied to weed of sea so bound
and so frowned upon by god and men
i hear not an angel nor earthly sound

eternally waiting, i unborn
eternal as the unlit star
i stand within a cloud held silent
and conceive of a land that lies so far

from this faint and beating heart, from this place
in which i stand (alone) - eternal
as an un-christened captain - still awaiting blessing
from the throne

an eternal embryo i fare, aged
and tattered life taunted thin, and
cry the oceans (seven) i have met
that long to taste of earth again, taste

but so faint now my hearts
last beating - taste, that so longs to taste
of an earth again....

copyrighted 2012

posted for Magpie Tales and d'Verse open link night


  1. Lots of passion here with a powerful flow that kind of sweeps me forward to the end.



  2. Wow! This is fabulous. I love the passionate depth. Well done!

  3. re-read several times and loved every word...fabulous magpie..
