Tuesday, May 28, 2019

incomplete thoughts

why? would you move
why? would you pass holding onto what is less than love
this day has wings and copper resting for moments remembered
why? would you not descend on words silent behind a chained door
its grace  - i know you my morning of longing and what?  is an evening
painted, placed, rusted and pilfered not traveled a... before


why? would you move
holding less than (this)
winged and plated in remembrance
unspoken words left to descend bound without latched key
grace me you my longing of the day
pilfer me, travel me,  color me ....unspoken


paint me ...unspoken

bkmackenzie  2019

photo credit  Vivian Maier


  1. This is beautiful, Barbara. "Color me...paint me....unspoken."

  2. Some relationships are unrepairable without a lasting devoted loving pair. Ours has slipped terribly, my face saving viable outs seem to be two, run away to be happy or suicide because I've lived long enough anyway. Or be concerned that my mate may be developing Alzheimers.
    Thank you for visiting me, Barbara, I hope my comment fits your well written poem and that I'm not just dumping on you. After all we've just met.

    1. you can dump....i have been through enough myself to understand that life takes many paths and turn...bkm

  3. The love undoored is the poem whited out.

    1. so true Brendan...or in constant suspension...bkm

  4. Some whys never find their because. And if the find them they don't want them because they just aren't enough. Relationships are a such a complex state of affairs, ever changing and needing... and when we are lucky, giving all we need.

  5. all we need, sometimes think we know what that is...bkm
