Saturday, May 4, 2019

green velvet altar

he made her his queen and
placed her in a box
he called it a castle and he gave her
colored stones to play with and silken sheets
he gave her a title ...(placed)
it in paper
on a green velvet altar with

                             a signed photo of god

but she did not want to be a queen or wear
her crown
reflecting god's photograph on his green velvet altar

she wanted to be a whore
dressed only in ripped blue jeans
and a crimson blouse with the tiny stones
of her own
so each night in her dreams she slipped away and made love
to the grey wolf
who stripped away her jeans and all her sin
with his eyes
                 - while the moon watched, the stars smiled

and the gravity of her god raced
through the night volum-ed but untraceable
to the green altar of his making

when she woke again
in the castle box she looked upon all the perils
of promise and his --wet dreams
but he could not hold her for she had been
bitten by the moon
and a
              reflection of the
 grey wolf

bkmackenzie  2019

linked to Open Link Night


  1. A beautiful poem...loved the green velvet alter, and loved that "she was bitten by the moon and a reflection of the grey wolf!"
    A powerful write.

  2. This is a wonderful turn of a fairy tale theme... weave with the moon-bitten myths of were wolfs, and no woman want's to be caged....
    If you love somebody ... set them free.

    1. thank you Bjorn,,,your comments mean much...bkm

  3. A wonderful weaving of character and I love the transformation at the end - bitten by the moon and reflection of the grey wolf.

    Thanks for joining us BKM!

  4. This is deliciously dark and enticing!❤️

  5. Love the mystery in this, and the rebellious nature of it. Bitterswett tale of escape and salvation. Reminds me a little of Joni Mitchell’s great song, “Hissing of Summer Lawns”.

    1. thank you so much is so appreciated...bkm

  6. This is... damn. This is just damned good. The pacing, the balance of themes, the metaphors... this is just damned good.

    1. thank you so much...sometimes i question whether i am good or comment gives me reason to believe i can write a few lines...again thank you...bkm

  7. Your poem is mystical and mythical. A potent choice of archetypes!
